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Brand Performance & Positioning is a complex research tool designed to identify and measure the characteristics which ensure competitive advantages and differentiation of your brand vs. competition in order to develop the most appropriate market and communication strategy for its development & positioning.

Our tool provides answers to the following questions:

  • Which is the position of my brand on the market?
  • How can I minimize my weaknesses and best exploit my advantages?
  • What is the demand for my current brand and potential demand for my new ones?
  • Why do customers choose me over competing brands?
  • How do I differentiate on the market?
  • How is my brand perceived by my customers or my potential one (attributes)?
  • What are the sources of trust employed by a customer when choosing a brand like mine?
  • What are the key messages that resonate with my customers?
  • How should I express my brand universally and crisply across all media channels?
  • How could social media improve the communication for my brand?

The following indicators and complex analysis are employed:


Brand Salience: awareness & usage, buying behaviour, brand switching/migration from/to another brand
Brand Associations (points-of-parity & points-of-difference): brand performance attributes, brand image attributes

Brand Attitudes: rational brand judgements (quality, credibility, consideration, superiority etc), emotional / brand feelings (warmth, fun, excitement, security, social approval etc)

Brand Attachment: behavioural loyalty (repeated purchase), attitudinal attachment

Brand Activity: sense of community (identification with a brand community), active engagement (these customers become advocates and ambassadors and help communicate about the brand)

Brand equity analysis: assessing the value of a brand

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